MK-677 is avaliable in South Africa. MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren is taken orally in capsule form and it actively increases the production of the human growth hormone (HGH). Taking MK-677 daily will significantly increase GH and IGF-1 levels of health adults without noticible adverse effects.
Recover faster from workout
MK-677 Ibutamoren aids in increasing growth hormones which results in a situation whereby muscle cells can recover a lot faster. Active users will note that their recovery times substantially improve, so you are able to train longer and harder than before. Your muscles also feel sore for a much shorter period.
Build muscle in record time
Due to the amazing recovery attributes associated with MK-677 Ibutamoren, you will build more lean muscle in a shorter time period. As active sportsman will note, you build muscle during recovery and this is why MK-677 is amazing at helping to boost muscle gains.
Help recovers from injuries
Through increased HGH production, your cells recovery faster. MK-677 Ibutamoren is beneficial to both muscle recovery, joint support, tendons and ligaments respond well as well. We also note that Mk-677 will create a little bit of water retention that will be benifical for active joint health.
Feel younger, slow aging
Its scientifically proven that human growth hormone starts to decline when one hits their 30’s, HGH supplementation will help to keep one looking younger and fitter for longer. With MK677 now avaliable in South Africa, its very easy to get the same results.
Boost metabolism, Burn fat
Cells need energy to recover and regenerate, in the human body, energy is calories. Having higher levels of HGH and recovering faster means that you burn a lot more calories on a daily basis. This leads to burning fat! Ibutamoren also acts directly on fat cells to lose fat faster!
Other Benefits
Ibutamoren improves sleep quality providing you a longer REM sleep cycle and shorter sleep latency. MK-677 also decreases LDL, which helps cardiovascular health.
Studies have shown that between 15 to 25mg a day at bedtime is the sweet spot for maximum results.
If you would like to know more about GMT Labs and their range of products, please do not hesitate to contact us today.