SARMS are currently trending internatioanlly and so far most of the focus has been centred on the bodybuilding industry. Our team at GMT Labs has put this short guide together to try explain how SARMS work and if this is a good choice for you?
What are SARMs?
Before you can jump straight into taking SARMs, you have to know what they are. SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. They were originally developed as a way to treat prostate cancer but found other benefits when it came to muscle mass instead.
SARMs work in a precision manner by binding to specific types of tissues to produce the desired result. Those looking to take SARMs for muscle growth will make up the majority of users. But there are other compounds that will help with preventing the loss of muscle mass and increasing the amount of fat loss.
SARMs have been refined more effectively than steroids and are considered a safer alternative. They do not pose the same estrogenic effects that steroids do. The supplements also seem to mitigate the organ damage that could happen to the liver.
There is also the benefit of how SARMs are taken. They come in capsules and tablets, or liquids. This makes it safer compared to the injection method that steroids use and also allows the SARM to help the entire body rather than just the injection site.
Ostarine (MK-2866)
Ostarine stems from the original SARM, Andarine. It is considered the entry-level SARM for many users and is recommended as the first SARM to take for beginners. This SARM is based around the body’s ability to hold on to lean muscle mass while losing weight.
For those just starting off, it would be smart to do around 15mg to 25mg a day. A liquid tincture is a preferred way to take this. You can hold the liquid underneath your tongue for around a minute for much quicker access to the bloodstream.
It is best to take Ostarine for a 4 to 8-week cycle. The best time to take Ostarine is first thing in the morning. This ensures there is little to no effect on actual testosterone levels and may not even require PCT (although it is still recommended).
The best thing to do with Ostarine is to pair it with a specific diet for cutting. As well as pairing it with specific peptides (which are two or more amino acids) to produce even greater effects. Click here to discover more about peptides and their ability to influence muscle growth.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Now take Ostarine and actually put it on steroids. This is what happens for those who take Ligandrol. It is for more experienced users and the usage of it should be more heavily monitored compared to Ostarine.
For those looking to put on lean muscle mass while bulking, this will be the SARM for you. Ideally, those bulking or looking to gain muscle while losing fat should aim for 5mg to 10mg a day. Because of the low dosage needed and paired with a great absorption rate, a pill is recommended for daily usage, preferably first thing in the morning.
A Ligandrol cycle should last no longer than 12 weeks. After the 12 week period, the results are extremely diminished compared to those initial 12 weeks. Because Ligandrol can be stronger when it comes to testosterone levels, a PCT is recommended.
Ligandrol is best paired with a bulking diet and an intense strength training regime. If you want results off of this SARM, be prepared to lift heavy.
Ibutamoren (MK-677)
Ibutamoren is actually not a SARM, but is often paired into the same family and sold as one. This is considered the “bedtime” supplement because of its ability to help the body restore and recover overnight.
Your body produces the most IGF-1 at night, which is when Ibutamoren is supposed to be taken. IGF-1 is one of the main drivers of lean muscle mass. Anytime you can increase the amount in your body, the better the muscle gains.
It is common to start with a 10mg dose right before bed for the first few weeks. After those first initial weeks, the normal dosage is 25mg a night. Just be prepared in the morning, because Ibutamoren has an extra effect.
If you were not a breakfast eater before, then you more than likely will be after starting Ibutamoren. It is known to increase the appetite of people because of its ability to utilize the food you intake while you are recovering at night. This makes it even better for those looking to put on serious muscle mass.
There is no limit on how long you can take Ibutamoren. It is recommended for long term use to see significant results (minimum of 4 months). There is also no need for a PCT thanks to its interactions on growth hormone receptors rather than androgen receptors.
Post Cycle Therapy
Post cycle therapy (PCT) is still important regardless of how safe SARMs are. There is a risk for everything when it comes to introducing supplements that could increase testosterone levels.
PCT’s are meant to help your natural testosterone levels return to normal, post SARM cycle. They can also ensure there are no estrogenic effects. SARMs are not typically steroidal, but again, this is a precaution.
A good PCT will be based around reducing the amount of estrogen in the body and increasing natural testosterone levels. It also is based around healthy liver enzyme levels, but this is not usually impacted by SARMs.